NOBO Smart panel heater control unit black, digital

Expected arrival within 3 week
30.000 Ft
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Personal receipt: Free
Home delivery: 0 Ft/pcs.

NOBO Smart SPC-IZ is the new generation of NOBO panel heater control units with a local weekly program and temperature setting.


  • Open window detection  (can be turned off)
  • Heat control
  • Built-in weekly timer 
  • Boost function: temporary override of the set temperature and the program, then returns to the original program; ideal for bathrooms
  • Adaptive start (can be turned off)
  • Easy-to-read display
  • White and Black
  • Compatible with NOBO Fjord and NOBO Oslo panel heaters

NOBO Smart SPC-IZ control unit has a built-in weekly timer so you can easily set weekly programs directly on the device.

With a simple and intuitive menu, it is easy to set programs. SPC-IZ is available in both black and white to match most homes.

The high-resolution display is easy to read with a background color that indicates system status: red for comfort, green for energy saving, and blue for frost guard.


We offer a 5-year full warranty on all products and a 10-year heating pad warranty.